The story of choosing an API - stumbling through a jungle of selection barriers
Summary: A user experience a selection barrier
when he/she is faced with multiple choices for accomplishing a task but is
unsure of which one to select [1]. I recently experienced this as I was
beginning to do text analytics in MATLAB. In this blog, I document my trip
through a land of many choices trying to figure out a single file reading
function to use and how I wish the experience had gone better. Finally, I
Text analytics is a hot topic these days. I came
across John Laudun's Text Analytics 101 when browsing for an intro article. The
article walked the reader through an example that involved revealing language
usage patterns in a short story based on the frequency of words. A light bulb
lit up in my head: why don't I do the same thing with my Toastmaster speeches?
That would help me understand, quantitatively, what words I "rely on"
the most and help me think about how I might vary my language to make my
speeches more accurately express the meanings I intend to.
So off I went. I
located my Toastmaster Icebreaker speech (I had typed it up in a Word document), started MATLAB,
and began fiddling at the command line.
So I can't read a Word document?
Being an infrequent
user of MATLAB's file processing functionality, I wasn't sure what function
read Word documents. I searched "read Word document MATLAB" on
Google. The highest ranked hit was How
to read MS Word file in MATLAB, a discussion thread pointing out that
MATLAB does not have built-in function for reading Word documents. An
alternative suggested by the thread was to use a MATLAB Central File Exchange
submission from the MATLAB user community targeting Word documents. Downloading
the submission and figuring out how to use it sounded like more trouble than I
wanted. I wanted a quicker and simpler solution.
The simplest text
format I can think of is plain text. MATLAB must work with plain text out of
the box. So I searched for "read text MATLAB" and found the textread
function. It seemed to be what I wanted.
I gave it a try and sure enough, it worked.
Mishap with Google's first ranked choice: textsread
vs. textscan
But interestingly,
textread, from Google's top ranked page that matched my search, is not a recommended function (See figure
below). Instead, textscan is recommended. The choice of name "scan"
sounded awfully mechanical to me. It was a machine-centric word. As a human, I
"read" a file, never "scan" it unless I really meant to
briefly check it out. Here was a prominent mismatch between how a user
expressed what she wanted the computer to do (to "read") and how an
API 's name missed that by reflecting what the computer did (to
Apart from being
surprised at the name of the recommended API, I wanted to know why textread was
not recommend or why textcan was recommended. I couldn't find an answer. I
couldn't find it on the doc page of textread or the doc page of textscan. I was
left unsure about the implications of my choice with textread.
More choices if you will…
To make things more
confusing, I discovered more functions that seemed to be operating in the
proximity of text reading (See figures blow for functions shown in the See Also
section of both pages). Now, I was ready to give up on trying to understand the
differences amongst all these functions. It was too much to figure out for a
simple task I wanted to do. Just read my file!
The final choice
In the end, I stayed
with textread, the first seemingly working function Google led me to. I
suspects this might be the choice of many users first coming to MATLAB's file
reading functionality would choose. It matches the user's language and was
ranked highest by Google which is arguably the most frequent way a user finds
his/her way into an unfamiliar MATLAB function.
What went wrong and what could've helped?
Computer did not having a matching feature for users'
file type.
I had my speech
written up in a Word document so I wanted to read it. It was only when I
discovered that MATLAB didn't not have that built-in functionality to read a
Word document did I resort to text.
Suggestion: Having
functions that match users' needs. The current functions that operate on text
is very low level. Many users do not work with plain text files.
Computer did not speak user's language.
I wanted to
"read" my file which led me to textread. However, the recommended
function was textscan, a name I would not have guessed.
Suggestion: Name the
APIs better so that they match users' language.
Computer provided multiple choices without giving
information on the implications for going with each
I couldn't find the
explanations on why textscan was recommended over textread. Furthermore, the
See Also section showed more options which overwhelmed me.
Suggestion: Help
users select an API by showing them the differences between the different
choices and implications for their choice. I was almost thinking the
side-by-side comparison chart that are common on many consumer product sites
like this one from Vitacost for helping a user select a multivitamin. Why
should API selection be any harder?
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